1. This Harvard Professor Is Breaking Down Barriers for Low-Income Students

    Anthony Abraham Jack is on a mission to help new-to-college students navigate higher ed by effecting institutional change at universities…

  2. Why Giving Students Personalized Attention Is a Must for All Professors

    Ohio University professor Laura M. Harrison on why investing in ways to support students should be the priority of any higher education…

  3. I Rejected Tenure to Focus on Fixing the Classroom

    Josh Eyler walked away from a tenured position, choosing instead to pursue his passion: affecting the way professors think about teaching.…

  4. This Professor Is Focused on the Lasting Trauma of Gun Violence

    When sociologist and ethnographer Jooyoung Lee’s friend was shot in a racially-motivated attack, it shook him to the core—and inspired…

  5. My Education Began When I Realized We’re Not Taught to Teach

    For Lauren Herckis, an anthropologist at Carnegie Mellon University, change is the only constant in a teaching life. But if you listen and…

  6. College is Failing Students When It Comes to Digital Literacy

    Tony Bates, who helped pioneer distance education and computer assisted learning at the University of British Columbia, says that leadership…

  7. Top Hat Geoscience Textbook Author Wins Innovation Prize

    Top Hat author Dr. Ricardo Nogueira, a senior lecturer in Geosciences, has been honored by Georgia State University (GSU) with a prestigious…

  8. Introducing Top Hat’s New Gradebook

    Top Hat’s revised grade and attendance management system is designed to be intuitive and easy to learn. Product manager Karthiga…

  9. 5 Trends That Will Dominate 2017 in Higher Education

    2017 educational trends include being innovative, doing less with more and looking for new sources for resources and inspiration