Student Stories
Making learning fun
and effective
Innovative educators at more than 750 campuses rely on Top Hat.
Find out how they've used it to engage millions of students before, during and after class.

How Top Hat Ace Provides Instant Course-Specific Guidance
See how Ace, our AI-powered study assistant, turned an AI skeptic into an optimist

How Top Hat Made a Splash in This Student’s Learning
See how one student with a visual impairment uses Top Hat's accessible and dynamic learning tools to succeed in and out of class

How This Student’s Vision for Accessible Learning Became a Reality
See how one student with a visual impairment uses Top Hat's accessible and dynamic learning tools to succeed in and out of class

How Top Hat Makes Healthcare Courses Full of Life
How regular pulse checks made one student psyched to learn

Reviving the In-Class Experience for This Aspiring Nurse
How Top Hat turned a dull lecture experience into one where this student felt engaged and empowered