1. 6 Ways I Empower Students During Sensitive Class Discussions

    Why we can no longer shy away from polarizing topics in order to cultivate the next generation of socially responsible citizens

  2. Reframing the Narrative on First-Year Student Success

    If we’re to help students develop a sense of belonging and agency, it’s time we reframe deficits as strengths, as Jeffrey Klausman…

  3. Improving Student Success Takes Community, Purpose and Inspiration

    Our universities are failing historically marginalized students and the reason is uncomfortably clear: the system we have is simply not…

  4. ‘If You Can Teach It, You Know It’: The Power of Collaborative Learning

    Want a foolproof way to keep your students engaged? Help them learn from (not just with) their peers.

  5. ‘Who’s Being Left Out?’ Dr. Viji Sathy and Dr. Kelly Hogan on Inclusive Teaching

    The award-winning educators offer essential ways to adapt your course design and class environment

  6. Want to Boost Academic Integrity? Remove Your Exams (Seriously)

    High-stakes tests were leading to increased cheating and anxiety for this professor. Here are the changes he made.

  7. Organic Chemistry Is Hard and It Should Be

    By tailoring homework and providing oodles of opportunities to practice, it’s possible to help students perform in their courses without…

  8. In Conversation: Scaling Evidence-Informed Teaching Practices

    It’s not about the evidence anymore. Our latest executive roundtable explores the challenges of making active learning standard practice…

  9. To Improve STEM Education, First Break with Tradition

    Profound inequities and poor success rates are keeping too many students from becoming tomorrow’s engineers, scientists and healthcare…

  10. Infographic: The Top Hat Courses and Titles That Made 2022 So Impactful

    Our inaugural Top Hat Graded spotlights faculty efforts to make their discipline more personal and meaningful

  11. We Need a Renewed Commitment to Evidence-Based Teaching

    Our students are our collective future. Let’s get serious about using the best available evidence to teach them.

  12. Stop Reviewing and Start Retrieving: Dr. Pooja Agarwal on Making Learning Stick

    The renowned cognitive scientist offers four retrieval practice activities to help students retain information more effectively

  13. Relationships, Resilience and Reflection: In Conversation With José Antonio Bowen

    Tap into the ‘New 3 Rs’ in your course policies and assessments and watch student outcomes soar

  14. How to Modernize Your Curriculum with Interactive Textbooks

    Modernize your classroom with interactive textbooks that keep costs low, integrate with LMS, are current and keep students engaged all…

  15. Higher Ed Institutions Need to Address Teacher Burnout. Here’s How.

    Academic burnout is rampant. Here are some ways that institutions can better support their educators, starting with mentorship and…

  16. 3 Students Speak Their Minds on Mental Health

    Whether it’s promoting campus resources or making studying a collaborative process, here’s how you can keep student mental health top of…

  17. Finding Focus While Learning with ADHD

    Why my final, COVID-struck year at university turned out to be better than expected

  18. How to Manage Microaggressions in the Classroom

    Explore how your peers facilitate civil discourse and how to embrace micro-affirmations in your own course

  19. 6 Key Takeaways from Top Hat Summer Camp

    Top Hat Summer Camp 2022 was packed with dynamic discussions that engaged our attendees. Here are answers to the most common questions you…

  20. Elevating the Student Experience Starts with “Small Data”

    Faculty need real-time insights to spot the early signs of struggle and scale the mentorship and support students need for academic success