How Top Hat Increased Interactivity and Reduced Financial Barriers at Penn State
Saved per student with an institution-wide license
Chemistry students taught per semester

The Challenge
Finding a textbook that puts scaffolding in Chemistry front and center
Dr. Alandra Kahl is in her 12th year teaching at the Pennsylvania State University, Greater Allegheny campus. Kahl, who serves as Teaching Professor of Environmental Engineering and Honors and Undergraduate Research Program Coordinator, has spent at least half of those years teaching General Chemistry I and II. When she first began teaching Chemistry, she noticed that the textbook she was using didn’t provide the application-heavy approach students needed to thrive. “Before switching to Top Hat, I found that those who weren’t as strong in Science or Math struggled because the text didn’t offer a solid scaffolding in General Chemistry,” she says.
Kahl’s digital textbook at the time presented several additional challenges for both her and her students. At the top of the list was the inability for students to test their knowledge and little-to-no interactivity. Her cohort of technology-savvy students needed a better vehicle for their learning. “Students don’t buy static books anymore. They don’t do it because that’s not the way they engage with that kind of material. They prefer videos. They prefer things that are more interactive,” Kahl shares.
In late 2020, Penn State and Top Hat entered into an institution-wide agreement to cover the cost of a Top Hat license for all students. Since the institution centrally covers the cost of the Top Hat platform, educators are given the flexibility to adopt over time. It’s a win-win for students as well. “Top Hat is the most affordable option for me and my students. That was a major selling point behind our transition,” Kahl says. Whether it’s using Top Hat’s robust engagement features or content solutions, Kahl can say with confidence that she’s laid the foundation for more affordable, interactive learning. Her students couldn’t be more thrilled by the reduced price tag and additional opportunities to assess their knowledge.
The Solution
Kahl used Top Hat to create a more meaningful learning experience, in and out of class
When Penn State partnered with Top Hat, Kahl chose to explore the platform to offer a more engaging learning experience. Top Hat’s interactive polling questions immediately made all students active participants in class. “I use embedded questions in lectures. We’ll then discuss the results and review if something wasn’t clear or move forward as needed,” she says. While she uses polls to gauge student comprehension, Kahl encourages learners to revisit questions to build upon their foundational knowledge after class.
Kahl effectively puts her Interactive text—Atom’s First General Chemistry—to use to bridge the gap between learning in and out of class. For example, she uses chapter topics such as Solutions, Stoichiometry and Thermochemistry to inform in-person lectures and can highlight sections of text that will help students prepare for an upcoming quiz. Among the benefits to students is the interactivity that the content boasts. “When discussing geometric isomers, I can ask students to draw their chemical structures in Top Hat. I also use that as an opportunity for students to learn from each other since they can see each others’ responses in our discussion board,” Kahl says.

Offering a solid scaffolding structure for students who may struggle to absorb, or enjoy, chemistry was another reason why Kahl adopted Atom’s First. “I can give multiple attempts on a question or even hints. Atom’s First has helped students progress better through the material and understand it on a more fundamental level,” she says. What’s more, with her institution-wide license, each student saves $44 on their eText. Homework assignments also build upon the foundational knowledge covered in lectures and eText readings. Ultimately, students are given several chances at correcting their own misconceptions outside of class.
Kahl also has peace of mind that she can access a host of support services with her Top Hat license. “Top Hat’s tech support is better than the other platforms I’ve used. I had a small issue in the spring and my Customer Success Manager got back to me within the hour,” Kahl shares.
“I can give multiple attempts on a question or even hints. Atom’s First has helped students progress better through the material and understand it on a more fundamental level.”

The Results
Slashing the steep fee that comes with course materials as part of an institution-wide license
Penn State’s institution-wide license with Top Hat means students save big on course materials. “Students pay $60 for the text and within that fee, they have access to all course material forever,” Kahl shares. In addition to lowering financial obstacles in her course, Kahl appreciates receiving a Weekly Course Report—which arrives in her inbox and breaks down performance insights—which lets her identify struggling students. “It’s a great temperature gauge. For instance, when reviewing acid base reactions, which are typically harder to grasp, I can dig into individual questions and the unit as a whole,” she shares.
The effort to make Chemistry more interactive to students has paid off as well. “One student showed me a picture of him and his classmates waiting outside a restaurant. Everyone was on their phones and every single student was doing their homework on Top Hat,” she proudly shares.