On-demand Webinars

Top Hat Platform Training

Our series of on-demand webinars is designed to help you bring active learning to your course—and get you comfortable using Top Hat's most impactful features.

Introduction to Top Hat

In this introduction to Top Hat, you'll learn how to use our platform to engage your students before, during and after class. This on-demand webinar will focus on the key building blocks for creating a successful active learning experience for your students, in face-to-face or fully remote settings. Learn how to create interactive Top Hat content and how to digitally deliver that material in synchronous classes.

By watching this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Create interactive material in Top Hat, including polls, quizzes, and discussions that make students active participants in class and give you immediate insights into student comprehension
  • Track comprehension and engagement
  • Effectively deliver course content synchronously



Who's this on-demand webinar for?

Educators who are new to Top Hat and are interested in learning about Top Hat’s dynamic courseware platform

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Building Dynamic Content with Top Hat Pages

In this session, you'll see how Top Hat Pages makes it easy to personalize your course to make student learning more relevant, inclusive, and current. We also explore ways you can extend engagement outside of the classroom with content tailored to your students.

By watching this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Learn how you can add relevant articles, and media to personalize your own assignments, OpenStax, or Top Hat textbook
  • Understand how to use actionable insights from integrated assessments to course-correct as needed to ensure no student falls behind



Who's this on-demand webinar for?

Educators who are new to creating interactive, digital assessments, as well as those who are new to Top Hat

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Online Assessment & Remote Testing

From formative quizzes to high-stakes exams, Top Hat makes it simple to create, manage, and deliver assessments. This session begins with an overview of effective formative and summative assessment strategies using digital course tools. Viewers will then learn about Top Hat’s non-monitored and monitored testing options.

By watching this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Manage the entire assessment process—from creation to deployment to grading—all in one place
  • Understand the difference between open book and monitored assessments with Top Hat
  • Apply best practices before, during and after your test for a successful experience



Who's this on-demand webinar for?

Educators who are new to creating online assessments, as well as those who are new to Top Hat

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Teaching with Insight: The Top Hat Gradebook

Teaching with real-time insights empowers educators to unleash their students' potential. This session examines what teaching with insight means in higher education, and what some successful approaches look like. You will get a deep dive into Top Hat’s reporting functionality in the Top Hat Gradebook, which provides instructors with a holistic view of their courses, as well as specific insights on individual student comprehension. Our Weekly Course Report also helps instructors make data-driven decisions with their course content.

By watching this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Read the gradebook and adjust advanced settings for an optimal course experience
  • Edit grades and enter manual grades as necessary
  • Discern course-wide trends in student comprehension
  • Utilize the Weekly Course Report to teach with insight and make data-driven decisions



Who's this on-demand webinar for?

Educators who are familiar with Top Hat and want to learn more about its gradebook capabilities, as well as those who are new to Top Hat

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Top Hat’s Five Pillars of Dynamic Courseware & Learning Design

In this session, we cover Top Hat’s five pillars of a dynamic course, and introduce (or refresh!) viewers on Top Hat’s approach to learning and instructional design. What does a good course look like with Top Hat? How can I redesign some activities or lessons in my course to make use of Top Hat’s capabilities? Viewers will learn how to approach designing their course in-line with the same foundations of learning science that inform Top Hat interactive content.

By watching this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Decide which learning design pillars are most relevant to your course goals
  • Apply at least one of Top Hat’s Five Pillars of Dynamic Courseware in your course design
  • Identify measures and changes that you will use to track the impact of your changes and learning design



Who's this on-demand webinar for?

Educators who are new to Top Hat or are familiar with Top Hat but want to experiment and integrate new teaching techniques in their courses

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Top Hat Certification: Foundations of Active Learning

Join us for an interactive Top Hat Certification session where you’ll learn the fundamentals of bringing active learning to life with Top Hat. We’ll go in-depth on how to use Top Hat to motivate students, get real-time feedback, and enable you to teach with insight before, during, and after class.

By attending this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Use Top Hat to create a custom assignment for your course that embeds media and interactive questions in your assignments
  • Design presentations that will enable active learning during class with Top Hat questions, discussions, and frequent formative assessments
  • Interpret the data in your gradebook to make decisions in real time about course content, and how best to support student learning
  • Plus, you’ll earn your Top Hat Certification badge & certificate!


hour attendance

Who's this live training for?

Educators who are already familiar with Top Hat and want to expand the impact of Top Hat before, during, and after class. This is a mark of distinction for Top Hat professors and innovative educators!

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