1. Choosing Classroom Technology: 3 Questions To Ask Vendors

    In an excerpt from our new free guide, we outline three commonly overlooked aspects of implementing new student engagement software.

  2. Interactive Texts Play a Key Role In Active Learning

    Rather than swim against the rising tide of technology, the best lecturers have adopted a ‘go with the flow’ approach.

  3. Small Changes in Teaching: The Last 5 Minutes of Class

    Imagine what a difference we could make if we all took five minutes — even just a few times during the semester — to offer students the…

  4. Small Changes in Teaching: Making Connections

    With an investment of just a few minutes every class period, or even just one class period a week, you can help students see the stars of…

  5. Small Changes in Teaching: The First 5 Minutes of Class

    The opening five minutes offer us a rich opportunity to capture the attention of students and prepare them for learning.

  6. Small Changes in Teaching: The Minutes Before Class

    Use the vital first few minutes before class begins to bond with students, set a firm agenda, and build a sense of curiosity.