It can be a challenge to engage, motivate and communicate with students—especially if learning takes place online. In virtual classrooms, an educator’s value is no longer just derived through the delivery of content. Rather, their new focus is on designing student-centered learning experiences. To support you in this endeavor, we asked educators from our #ProfChats panel for their most valuable advice and tips to build community in online courses. Here’s how nine educators are helping their students thrive through thoughtful and flexible course design.
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1. Be thoughtful with your tech use—both in and out of class
Some students may be learning online for the first time. Ensure you create ways for them to comfortably communicate with their peers during and beyond class time, writes Viji Sathy, a professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
A3. Think about the small moments. The moments before/after class, the moments in a think-pair-share, in a breakout room–the places where students can bump into each other & you online. Don’t leave it to chance that they’ll engage, design opportunities for engagement. #ProfChats
— VIJI SATHY (@vijisathy) November 19, 2020
Consistency is a must with distance learning. Tazin Daniels, Assistant Director at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan, suggests a strategy to build upon your proposed learning outcomes.
A2. Go back to the basics. Create a #courseblueprint so that your content and activities are consistent, scaffolded and actually help your learners achieve the stated outcomes. This is your guide to getting it done. #ProfChats
— Dr. Tazin Daniels (@ThePedagologist) November 19, 2020
Media is an appealing engagement strategy—especially for Generation Z students. Here’s how to humanize your lessons, with advice from Karen Freberg, Associate Professor at the University of Louisville.
A1. You want to focus on quality versus quantity of materials for class. Humanize the content w/ videos, short tutorials, and visuals to create an interactive experience. Understand students learn differently, so the lessons & materials should reflect this. #ProfChats
— Karen Freberg • #SMprof • Author • Consultant (@kfreberg) November 19, 2020
How do you maintain engagement in large class sections? Amanda Haage, a professor in the Anatomy department at the University of North Dakota, and Karen Costa, Co-Founder of 100 Faculty, offer ways to do just that through surveys and your learning management system (LMS).
A5: what I rec to faculty teaching large sections is to make use of the LMS. Create/send canned emails or texts to groups missing assignments or who haven’t logged in.#ProfChats
— Karen Costa (@karenraycosta) November 19, 2020
2. Ensure student-student community is also top of mind
Dedicate a portion of your live classes to group work, which may replicate the informal conversations students once had on campus—as offered by Derek Bruff, Director of the Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.
Q4. Small group activities are key here. In a Zoom class, use breakout rooms to facilitate more fluid and natural conversations among 3-4 students. For async work, consider persistent small groups who work on different activities over time. #ProfChats
— Derek Bruff (@derekbruff) November 19, 2020
Help your students invest in one another by using icebreakers—especially at the start of the term. Here are a couple of ideas to get the conversation going, suggested by Tazin Daniels.
A3. Spend at least 10 minutes at the start of each class the first month doing relevant icemelters. Things like #culturebox or #storyofmyname are great activities to get students to care about each other and invest in each other’s learning #ProfChats
— Dr. Tazin Daniels (@ThePedagologist) November 19, 2020
Peer engagement doesn’t just occur during class time—it’s equally important beyond your classroom. Karen Costa stresses the value of spaces solely dedicated to student communities.
A4: Colleges should have online learning communities running alongside courses. Many have been doing this for years so there are models out there. These are co-curricular spaces where students can engage outside of class. #ProfChats
— Karen Costa (@karenraycosta) November 19, 2020
Group work can help students get to know one another, but ensure you provide flexibility as to how collaboration takes place. Sharon Mitchler, Professor of English and Humanities at Centralia College, provides more context below.
A3: Provide opportunities to work with partners or small groups. Make these options, so students with limited internet access or complicated schedules can work solo. Don’t add to the stress for those who are overwhelmed. #ProfChats
— Dr. Sharon (@traveling2008) November 19, 2020
Asynchronous classes can still allow for a degree of connectivity among students. Tazin Daniels shares an effective strategy for instructors to consider.
A4. I can’t imagine how hard it is to make friends this year. This is why you need to find ways to incorporate group work. Even asynchronous courses can leverage “mutual accountability groups” where students go through and discuss content together #ProfChats
— Dr. Tazin Daniels (@ThePedagologist) November 19, 2020
3. Minimize inequities in course delivery
Students are now separated by time zones and continents. Jenel Cavazos, Associate Professor and Master Teacher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oklahoma, emphasizes the importance of optional real-time classes.
Especially important for those who teach large classes with students that may be spread out (I have one student in Egypt, for example!). I keep these sessions voluntary and record for those who can’t make it. #profchats
— Jenel Cavazos (@jenelcavazos) November 19, 2020
Not everyone feels comfortable joining discussions in a room full of unfamiliar faces. Viji Sathy advocates for student engagement strategies beyond participating in live lectures.
I never raised my hand to speak in college. People tell me I should speak up more. I say, we should design experiences where speaking up isn’t the only way to engage and that the loudest aren’t always the smartest. #ProfChats
— VIJI SATHY (@vijisathy) November 19, 2020
Semi-synchronous activities are an equally accessible engagement strategy. Just ask Amanda Haage, who uses the Top Hat Community app for group work.
A3: I do semi-synchronous teams! This is what my #TopHatCommunity sidebar looks like😂. I give them a separate channel. They need to complete activities with each other but not necessarily each class period. And I’m available during class time to be tagged in always!
— Dr. Amanda Haage (@mandy_ridd) November 19, 2020
One high-stakes assessment at the end of the term is no longer an effective indicator of student comprehension. Karen Freberg found success through multiple check-ins and low-stakes solutions instead.
A5. I’ve created more short form videos, activities and checkins for larger assignments. Focusing more on little steps each week rather than one massive project or activity all at once. #ProfChats
— Karen Freberg • #SMprof • Author • Consultant (@kfreberg) November 19, 2020
Sharon Mitchler finds that the moments before and after live classes can help facilitate informal conversations with students. Plus, this technique can make learners feel comfortable voicing concerns before the larger group arrives.
A4: If possible, I open synchronous class spaces early and stay late. Replicating that ten minutes of chatting before class starts requires no preparation time, and the rewards are immeasurable. #ProfChats
— Dr. Sharon (@traveling2008) November 19, 2020
4. Incorporate and listen to student voices
Informal polls or surveys can spotlight what’s working in your course and what’s not. Jenel Cavazos also finds that teaching assistants are an invaluable resource when planning course delivery—given that a majority of them are students themselves.
(3/3) I like to poll the students and ask what they want to do. It helps them take ownership for their learning, which is even more important online! I also use TAs as a sounding board when I need advice on how to present something. #profchats
— Jenel Cavazos (@jenelcavazos) November 19, 2020
Cathy Davidson, a Distinguished Professor in the PhD program in English at the Graduate Center at the City University of New York (CUNY), writes that student buy-in can come in the form of student-designed lesson plans.
A3 I use same techniques online and onsite for community–Think Pair Share, Entry and Exit Tickets, having students design lessons and lead them, and asking students “What do you need most now? What do you want now?” #ProfChats
— Cathy Davidson (@CathyNDavidson) November 19, 2020
Surveys dedicated to community building and a sense of belonging may provide eye opening results. Tazin Daniels provides further suggestions below.
A6. So many great classroom assessment techniques to choose from! How about a 3Q survey: Rate your sense of belonging in this course (1-5); explain your answer; what would make you feel more included?; How could you make others feel more included? #ProfChats
— Dr. Tazin Daniels (@ThePedagologist) November 19, 2020
Derek Bruff suggests letting students weigh in on how a sense of community can be strengthened and what resources they need in order to feel connected with their peers and you.
A6. I think the best way to assess this is to build in some reflective activities for students. Ask them what elements of the course have helped them feel connected, and ask them for suggestions for building community. #ProfChats
— Derek Bruff (@derekbruff) November 19, 2020
5. Re-think your pedagogy—and be sure to measure its effectiveness
It’s time we rethink grading strategies—which Sharon Mitchler does by shaking up the traditional assignment due date philosophy. Mitchler also shares a resource on ungrading: a grading technique that emphasizes constructive feedback over letter grades.
A5: I use “best by” dates instead of due dates. Students may turn in work after the best by dates without penalty. 2/3 of my students stay up to date, and for the 1/3 who turn in work later, they work around their other responsibilities to stay in class #ProfChats
— Dr. Sharon (@traveling2008) November 19, 2020
Some educators like Karen Costa use data on who receives a D or F grade or withdraws (DFW) to determine student success. Others like Viji Sathy have helped build a campus dashboard for measuring these statistics.
A6: This is a good question. My initial thought is that the proof is in the pudding. I view DFW rates as an indicator of how well I’ve built community. My goal every term is for every student to succeed in our course. #ProfChats
— Karen Costa (@karenraycosta) November 19, 2020
Students shouldn’t be penalized for incorrect responses, but instead given a second chance—as advocated by Derek Bruff.
A5. Flexibility with deadlines, too. Let students take the time they need to reach the learning objectives, instead of fitting those learning objectives in some temporal box. Revise and resubmit should be an option, too! #ProfChats
— Derek Bruff (@derekbruff) November 19, 2020
Implicit goals are just as valuable as assignment due dates. Tazin Daniels offers best practices for how to incorporate these in your course.
A6. Hell yeah I do @TopHat! I believe all “implicit” goals – community building, teamwork, communication skills, etc. – should be in black and white in the syllabus and said outloud on a regular basis! #ProfChats
— Dr. Tazin Daniels (@ThePedagologist) November 19, 2020
Cathy Davidson takes a collaborative approach to brainstorming community goals. As the co-founder of the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC), she also shares further tips for faculty development and teaching strategies here.
A6. I like to have students write “learning outcomes” and “community goals” together for our collaborative syllabus-writing at the beginning of class and then we redo this at midterm and final. The reflection is key to learning and community, moving, always #ProfChats @TopHat
— Cathy Davidson (@CathyNDavidson) November 19, 2020
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