1. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy: 3 Ways To Reshape The Pyramid

    Bloom’s Taxonomy is probably the most widespread and enduringly popular model in education. It was created in 1956 by Dr. Benjamin Bloom…

  2. 8 Ways To Properly Integrate Textbooks Into Your Class

    If I had a dollar for every student who asked me, “Do we really need to get the textbook?” I’d be writing this article in Bali. From a…

  3. Online Teaching: 5 Unique Challenges and How to Solve Them

    Collaboration and communication are essential for ensuring students and educators stay engaged and connected online

  4. How To Spot Struggling Students Early and Help Them Succeed

    Karen Quevillon teaches writing and literature, online and in-class, across several colleges in Ontario, Canada. Here, she explains how you…

  5. 5 Strategies for Improving Your Course Evaluation Results

    There are good reasons colleges conduct student course evaluations, though you might be forgetting them as you skim through your results.…

  6. How to Write a Philosophy of Teaching Statement

    5 easy steps on how to write an authentic and effective philosophy of teaching statement to help your job application get noticed.

  7. Instructor vs. Professor: What’s In An Academic Name?

    What should your students call you? Instructor? Professor? Doctor? Or do they just go with your first name? This guide will serve as an…

  8. The Secrets of the Cognitive Domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy

    Bloom’s taxonomy, introduced in 1956 and revised in 2001, is one of the most well-known frameworks for classifying educational goals,…

  9. Preventing Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials

    If only preventing fake degrees and fraudulent instructors were as easy as unearthing this University of Rochester prankster, who recently…

  10. Student Attendance Matters, Even If Lectures Are Online. Ask Harvard

    Undergraduates enrolled in Harvard University’s critically acclaimed and popular Introduction to Computer Science course this fall have…