1. Teaching Creative Writing as a Springboard For Students

    Many students have to complete required courses in creative writing. Here's how Linda Rodriguez, Professor of Caribbean Literature, Film,…

  2. Tenure-Seeking Professors Struggle to Balance Priorities

    Assistant and associate professors looking to secure tenure struggle to balance their competing priorities, according to a new survey of…

  3. Why Are College Textbooks So Expensive?

    The inflation of post-secondary textbook pricing has surpassed that of the housing market, the cost of health care, and even college and…

  4. How The 5 Main Textbook Companies are Being Disrupted

    The past 40 years will be seen as a time when college textbook companies ignited, expanded beyond expectation, and then began to die. And…

  5. Digital Textbooks Erase Barriers For Teachers and Students Alike

    Authors of digital textbooks are short-circuiting the gatekeepers and saving their students money. In this extract from our…

  6. Keylogging is the Latest Way of Cheating in College

    Professors have always had to contend with cheating in college, but thanks to the growing use of technology in the classroom, students are…

  7. Engage 2017: Malgosia Green on The Power of Community

    Filmed in Chicago at Engage 2017, Malgosia Green’s keynote kicked off Day 2 of the conference. With the rapid rise of modern…

  8. Preventing Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials

    If only preventing fake degrees and fraudulent instructors were as easy as unearthing this University of Rochester prankster, who recently…

  9. 4 Things We Learned About Modern Teaching at Engage 2017

    At the Engage 2017 conference in Chicago, guests enjoyed an array of sessions that touched on topics ranging from active learning to the…

  10. The Story of America’s First Center for Teaching and Learning

    In the past two decades, centers for teaching and learning have popped up at just about every post-graduate school in North America. But for…

  11. How the U.S. Travel Ban Affected Iranian Students

    After a federal judge stayed President Trump’s travel ban blocking entry from several Muslim-majority countries, including Iran, some…

  12. 5 Trends That Will Dominate 2017 in Higher Education

    2017 educational trends include being innovative, doing less with more and looking for new sources for resources and inspiration

  13. The 2016 Professor Pulse Survey Results

    With more than 21,000 responses collected, Top Hat is proud to share the results of the 2016 Professor Pulse survey — a global survey…