The students have spoken and one thing is clear: They view their mobile devices as an essential part of in-class learning. In early November, Top Hat’s inaugural Student Pulse Survey was sent out to over 500 students, asking them for their opinions on textbooks, technology, cellphones in school and the ways that higher education might better help them learn.
Among the findings:
- 75% of students feel that digital devices help them learn more effectively
- 94% of students want to use cellphones in school for academic purposes
- 40% of students feel that money is their greatest obstacle to college success
- 31% have gotten by without buying a print textbook for a course
- 81% would pay up to $100 for a digital textbook
For administrations struggling to retain students and offer a better return on their educational investment, the path forward is clear: Make technology an integral part of the classroom and you’ll make education more effective. Read the infographic in full below, or you can also download it as a PDF here. Alternatively, read our article that answers the question: should students have phones in school?

In a world where teachers accept cellphones and laptops as part of classroom life, learn techniques that can put them to work for you.