What Your Peers Are Looking Forward to at Top Hat Engage 2020
Interesting panels, inspiring keynotes, and the chance to network with like-minded peers are just a few of the things attendees are looking…
This post is written by the Top Hat editorial team.
Interesting panels, inspiring keynotes, and the chance to network with like-minded peers are just a few of the things attendees are looking…
The Carnegie Mellon University anthropologist will discuss the intersection of technological change and effective teaching on college…
This Columbia University professor blends hip-hop music, STEM, and performance art to engage students inside and outside the classroom
How these ed tech leaders see Top Hat’s role in creating opportunities for professors to improve student outcomes inside and outside the…
Top Hat Engage 2020 has dozens of sessions, organized by three themes: Teaching with Experience, Teaching with Empathy, and Teaching with…
Top Hat Engage 2020 has dozens of sessions, organized by three themes: Teaching with Insight, Teaching with Empathy, and Teaching with…
Top Hat Engage 2020 has dozens of sessions, organized by three themes: Teaching with Insight, Teaching with Experience, and Teaching with…
How leading Canadian business law textbooks fare in the higher ed marketplace
How leading college success textbooks fare in the higher ed marketplace
How leading algebra textbooks fare in the higher ed marketplace
How leading social psychology textbooks fare in the higher ed marketplace
How Top Hat’s always up-to-date interactive textbook fares in the higher ed marketplace
How Top Hat’s always up-to-date interactive textbook fares in the higher ed marketplace
How Top Hat can make building assessments quick, easy and painless
The newest cohort of college students has a markedly different and more productive relationship with digital technology than their…
We look at the figures, the consequences—and the solutions
Students are increasingly strategic when it comes to utilizing textbooks—and it’s up to professors to find solutions that ensure…
How leading introduction to psychology textbooks fare in the higher ed marketplace
It’s the stuff of cold sweat nightmares: you’re midway through a semester you swore was going to be different. You came to each…
Textbook prices continue to be out of control—and one of the most common ways that students get around the issue of high prices is through…