Interactive OpenStax: Psychology, 2e

OpenStax, Top Hat

Psychology 2e: A Top Hat Interactive eText builds upon the familiar content of OpenStax’s Psychology 2e textbook to create a rich low cost learning experience focused on building deeper understanding of the material and developing application skills. We’ve created meaningful, interactive modules that allow students to explore abstract concepts and build a stronger understanding of the material. Our new in-chapter questions go beyond simple recall and engage students in deeper learning by asking them to make connections between topics, apply their knowledge beyond the classroom, and explain their reasoning. This active engagement is complemented by Top Hat’s contributions and revisions to the core text, improving clarity, expanding important ideas, and introducing current and relevant examples.

Interactive OpenStax: Psychology, 2e cover photo

Top Hat Interactive eText

(Read, Study + Assessment)

requires a join code from instructor


*Price reflective of Top Hat platform;
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Interactive OpenStax: Psychology, 2e cover photo


of students say Top Hat helped them understand the course better.

Source: Top Hat Student Survey Spring 2023; n = 4,146

Table of Contents for Interactive OpenStax: Psychology, 2e

  • Front Matter
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology
  • Chapter 2: Psychological Research Methods
  • Chapter 3: Biopsychology
  • Chapter 4: States of Consciousness
  • Chapter 5: Sensation and Perception
  • Chapter 6: Learning
  • Chapter 7: Thinking and Intelligence
  • Chapter 8: Memory
  • Chapter 9: Lifespan Development
  • Chapter 10: Emotion and Motivation
  • Chapter 11: Personality
  • Chapter 12: Social Psychology
  • Chapter 13: Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Get more out of OpenStax with Top Hat

  • More engagement
    Integrated low-stakes assessment turns static content into an active learning experience, encouraging students to engage more deeply with the material.
  • More insights
    Built-in formative assessment questions throughout give students more opportunities to reflect on their learning and check it as they go, while educators can track their progress and get insights into where students need help.
  • More accessible
    We’ve made the titles more accessible by adding alt-text to all images and ensuring all illustrated figures and graphics meet WCAG accessible color contrast standards.
  • More student support with Ace
    Our AI-powered assistant offers personal study support and on-demand practice sessions for students.
  • More tools for educators
    In every title, educators can access student response tools, personalize content, create assessments from lecture slides, and much more.