Beyond Policy Analysis: Public Issue Management in Turbulent Times, 6th Edition
Leslie A. Pal, Graeme Auld, Alexandra Mallett
Previously published by Nelson. With an authoritative and courageous approach, Beyond Policy Analysis examines public policymaking in Canada at all areas of governance, including Heath Care, Education, Economic Development and Trade. This title goes beyond conventional categories and concepts to examine how the world of policymaking has changed with the increasing pressures of globalization, information technology, changing public values and cultural assumptions, citizen distrust, and decentralization and subsidiary. The sixth edition investigates ever-evolving governance, and proactively discusses contemporary Canadian issues.

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Table of Contents for Beyond Policy Analysis: Public Issue Management in Turbulent Times, 6th Edition
- Front Matter
- Chapter 1: Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practice
- Chapter 2: Modern Governance: Challenges for Policy Analysis
- Chapter 3: Agenda-Setting And Problem (Re)Solving In Policy Analysis
- Chapter 4: Policy Instruments and Policy Design
- Chapter 5: Policy Implementation
- Chapter 6: Policy Actors, Communities, and Networks
- Chapter 7: Evaluation
- Chapter 8: Policy Communication
- Chapter 9: Going Forward: Doing Policy Analysis
- Top Hat Guidelines for Classroom Presentations