Planning Canadian Communities, 7th Edition

Gerald Hodge, David L.A. Gordon, Pamela Shaw

Previously published by Nelson. With this edition, Planning Canadian Communities begins its 34th year of analysis of the public endeavour of community planning in the cities, towns, and regions of Canada. The past three decades have been a time of immense learning, both for the field of community planning and for the authors. Winner of the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) Award for Planning Excellence for a Planning Publication, “Planning Canadian Communities…is being recognized for its significant contribution to the field of study in planning remaining the most recognizable and relevant textbook in planning schools across Canada.” Plan Canada lauds the book as: “…a classic in the literature dealing with Canadian community planning practice. …it is essentially without peer—as an academic text, a comprehensive lay-person’s primer, and as a basis for charting the emergence of a profession for some, a discipline for others, and a cause for all….” Planning Canadian Communities is the nation’s standard survey textbook on community planning. It provides a comprehensive view of the needs, origins, contemporary practices, and future challenges in planning Canadian cities, towns, and regions. The text describes the history of community planning in Canada, how it works today and who participates in it.

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Table of Contents for Planning Canadian Communities, 7th Edition

  • Front Matter
  • Part One: The Foundations of Canadian Community Planning
  • Part Two: Community Plan-Making in Canada
  • Part Three: Planning for People and Places in the Community
  • Part Four: Participants and Participation in Community Plan-Making
  • Part Five: Implementing Community Plans
  • Instructor Resources