Canadian Corrections, 5th Edition

Curt T. Griffiths and Danielle Murdoch

Previously published by Nelson. Canadian Corrections, Fifth Edition, is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the dynamics of corrections in Canada, and to explores the unique attributes of the Canadian correctional enterprise. The materials presented in this text are both descriptive and analytical. Key themes have been woven throughout, including approaching the topic of corrections with a critical eye by examining whether past reform efforts have been successful, how and why systems of corrections continue to experience issues that were first identified in the mid-19th century, human rights in corrections, and factors that influence the design and use of correctional strategies in Canada. The latter theme involves the examination of how policies that were implemented under the former governments have altered the correctional landscape in Canada and how we have seen, and will continue to see, judicial decision making and the federal government alter some of these policies. In writing this text, the authors present the materials in a way that will stimulate students’ thinking about corrections and capture the intensity of the issues surrounding the response to criminal offenders by systems of corrections.

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Table of Contents for Canadian Corrections, 5th Edition

  • Front Matter
  • Part I: Canadian Corrections: Setting the Framework
  • Part II: Corrections in the Community: Alternatives to Confinement
  • Part III: Incarceration
  • Part IV: Returning to the Community: Release, Re-entry, and Reintegration
  • Part V: Special Populations in Corrections
  • Part VI: Going Forward: Reforming Corrections
  • Back Matter
  • Instructor Resources