Enhancement Exercises for Biology

Byron J. Adams, John L. Crawley

This book contains active learning modules to augment any college-level biology course. These modules provide dry lab activities that range from simple guided inquiry to open-ended research-based activities.

Enhancement Exercises for Biology cover photo

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Enhancement Exercises for Biology cover photo


of students say Top Hat helped them understand the course better.

Source: Top Hat Student Survey Spring 2023; n = 4,146

Table of Contents for Enhancement Exercises for Biology

  • Front Matter
  • Unit 1: Introduction
  • Unit 2: Chemistry
  • Unit 3: Cell Biology
  • Unit 4: Genetics: Heredity
  • Unit 5: Genetics: Molecular
  • Unit 6: Evolution and Origin of Species
  • Unit 7: Diversity of Nature
  • Unit 8: Ecology
  • IM

Key features

  • Procedures provide students with easy to follow step-by-step instructions for the successful completion of the activity no matter where they are
  • Synthesis Activities end each exercise and provide thoughtful questions to ensure that students understand the overall concepts from the activities, and build their critical thinking skills
  • Deeper Insight— links to additional information appear throughout Enhancement Exercises for Biology directing students to learn more about an activity in order to have a better understanding of the concepts presented