Exploring Zoology: A Laboratory Guide, 3e

David G. Smith, Michael P. Schenk

This full-color lab manual provides a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to the field of zoology. It features a diverse series of observational and investigative exercises that examine the anatomy, behavior, physiology, and ecology of the major invertebrate and vertebrate lineages. Chapters are organized in a logical way that reflects taxonomic relationships to help students progress naturally through the manual and evolve their knowledge. Knowledge of the principal groups of animals is fundamental to understanding the central issues in biology, so great care has been taken to provide information in an engaging, student-friendly way.

Exploring Zoology: A Laboratory Guide, 3e cover photo

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Table of Contents for Exploring Zoology: A Laboratory Guide, 3e

  • Front Matter
  • Ch 1: Fundamental Laboratory Skills
  • Ch 2: Animal Cells and Tissues
  • Ch 3: Reproduction, Regeneration, and Cell Division
  • Ch 4: Animal Development
  • Ch 5: Taxonomy and Systematics
  • Ch 6: Animal-like Protists
  • Ch 7: Sponges
  • Ch 8: Ctenophores and Cnidarians
  • Ch 9: Flatworms
  • Ch 10: Rotifers, Bryozoans, and Brachiopods
  • Ch 11: Molluscs
  • Ch 12: Annelids
  • Ch 13: Roundworms

Key features

  • More than 500 full-color photographs, illustrations, and dissection diagrams are presented to clarify procedures and help students identify organisms and their anatomical features
  • Chapter-ending questions for review reinforce key concepts and content from the exercises in each chapter
  • "Laboratory Practical Challenges" to replicate the method of assessment and type of questions students may be asked on lab practical exams