Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and Application, 5e
Lourdes Norman-McKay, Michael Leboffe, Burton Pierce
Beautiful full-color photography, effective illustrations, carefully written exercises, and a reasonable price combine to make Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application the best-selling microbiology lab manual series on the market. This edition satisfies the content needs of courses populated by majors or in nonmajors courses where an increased coverage of applied microbiology is desired.

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Table of Contents for Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and Application, 5e
- Front Matter
- Introduction: Safety in the Microbiology Laboratory
- Section 1 Fundamental Skills for the Microbiology Laboratory
- Section 2 Introduction to Growing Bacteria
- Section 3 Staining Bacteria
- Section 4 Survey of Selective and Differential Media
- Section 5 Biochemical Tests for Identifying Bacterial Isolates
- Section 6 Differentiating Streptococcus and Staphylococcus Species
- Section 7 Additional Bacteria Identification Methods
- Section 8 Environmental Conditions Affecting Bacterial Growth
- Section 9 Controlling Bacterial Growth
- Section 10 Microbial Enumeration Methods
- Section 11 Molecular Biology Techniques
- Section 12 Medical Microbiology
Key features
- More than 100 exercises covering a full selection of clinical and applied microbiology topics that feature beautiful photography, easy-to-understand illustrations, and carefully written activities to help teach microbiological techniques and show students the impact of microbes on our daily lives
- Pre-labs include auto-gradable questions to assure your students are arriving prepared
- The post-lab includes auto-gradable assessments and critical thinking questions to allow student to demonstrate their mastery of the assigned learning objectives