Mammalian Anatomy: The Cat, 2e

Aurora M. Sebastiani, Dale W. Fishbeck

This full-color dissection guide is intended for students taking mammalian anatomy, comparative anatomy, general biology, or anatomy and physiology courses. The text incorporates high-quality photographs and clear discussions of dissection techniques to introduce students to the morphology of a mammal whose anatomy parallels that of the human.

Mammalian Anatomy: The Cat, 2e cover photo

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ISBN: 9780895826831

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Mammalian Anatomy: The Cat, 2e cover photo


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Table of Contents for Mammalian Anatomy: The Cat, 2e

  • Front Matter
  • Back Matter

Key features

  • This atlas features more than 200 high-quality photographs and full-color illustrations
  • The muscular system section uses a systematic, regional treatment of muscle groups with a brief description of the muscle and a detailed description of the origin, insertion, and action of each
  • The skeletal system section is highly detailed, with careful descriptions of the individual bones and their relationships to each other and to the entire system. The illustrations in this section are superb, representing actual bones with natural surface texture, features, and foramina