Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy & Physiology Lab, 9e

David A. Morton, John L. Crawley

This full-color photographic atlas is designed as a visual reference to accompany any human anatomy, human physiology, or combined A&P textbook or lab manual. Hundreds of labeled images of various organ systems and histological slides allow students to get a complete picture of the layers of human structure.

Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy & Physiology Lab, 9e cover photo

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ISBN: 9781617319150

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Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy & Physiology Lab, 9e cover photo


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Table of Contents for Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy & Physiology Lab, 9e

  • Front Matter
  • Unit 1: Terminology and Orientation
  • Unit 2: Microscopic Anatomy
  • Unit 3: Support and Movement
  • Unit 4: Integration and Coordination
  • Unit 5: Maintenance of the Body
  • Unit 6: Continuance of the Species
  • Unit 7: Vertebrate Dissections
  • Back Matter

Key features

  • Human cadavers have been carefully dissected and photographed to depict the principal organs from each of the body systems along with cat, fetal pig, and rat dissections are included as well as photographs of sheep heart and brain dissections
  • A complete set of accurately labeled, high-quality photographs and illustrations are provided for each of the human body systems.
  • Images of the muscle, skeletal, and organ systems allow students to get a complete picture of the layers of human anatomy