Exploring Anatomy and Physiology in the Laboratory, 4e
Erin C. Amerman
This beautifully illustrated and clearly written lab manual is intended for a two-semester Anatomy and Physiology lab course typically taken by pre-nursing students. The comprehensive manual features an innovative, interactive approach to ensure students gain a deep understanding of the structure and function of the human body. Through focused activities, this lab manual encourages multi-sensory learning with opportunities for students to label, draw, color and write to promote active learning. It is also fully customizable for instructors, allowing you to tailor the content to match how your students learn best.

Top Hat Interactive eText
requires a join code from instructor
requires a join code from instructor
ISBN: 9781640433984
does not require a join code

Table of Contents for Exploring Anatomy and Physiology in the Laboratory, 4e
- Front Matter
- Unit 1: Introduction to Anatomical Terms
- Unit 2: Chemistry
- Unit 3: Introduction to the Microscope
- Unit 4: Cytology
- Unit 5: Histology
- Unit 6: Integumentary System
- Unit 7: Introduction to the Skeletal System
- Unit 8: Skeletal System
- Unit 9: Articulations
- Unit 10: Muscular System: The Gross Anatomy of Muscles
- Unit 11: Muscle Tissue
- Unit 12: Introduction to the Nervous System
- Unit 13: Central Nervous System

Key features
- Unique, practical, activity-based approach to the study of anatomy and physiology in the laboratory complemented with beautiful artwork and illustrations specifically designed to improve student understanding of important concepts and procedures
- Pre-lab exercises encourage students to actively prepare for the lab by defining key terms, using labeling and coloring exercises to learn anatomical structures while reviewing vital material from previous units
- Focused activities promote active learning in the lab designed for students to learn and retain information. The manual asks students to be active by describing, labeling, writing, coloring, and drawing.