Pathophysiology I: Major Disease Pathways

Paul S. Sunga, Melisa Hamilton, Janaina Brusco

Pathophysiology I: Major Disease Pathways is an introduction to the study of human disease, used in the first of three, sequentially taught, mid-baccalaureate pathophysiology courses taught at our institution. As a first course in this area, this book establishes the major classes of diseases based on the underlying dysfunction that leads to disease manifestation. A systemic, encyclopedic approach to the study of human disease follows this initial course. The text of Pathophysiology I contains multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter, which are intended to enable an automated way of encouraging students to absorb the material and test their understanding. The book was prepared with students of the B.Sc. Nursing program in mind, although it would be of interest to any clinical student; it provides a summary of the current biomedical understanding of the major classes of pathophysiological processes underlying cell, tissue, and organ system alterations, with links to major therapeutic approaches.

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Table of Contents for Pathophysiology I: Major Disease Pathways

  • Pathophysiology I: Major Disease Pathways