A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Physiology, 4th Edition
Paul A. Krieger
Students in anatomy and physiology (A&P) often have difficulty visualizing complex physiology concepts that require deep understanding. The fourth edition of A Visual Guide to Human Physiology uses visual analogies to assist students in learning the details of human physiology. Using these analogies and other tools (mnemonic devices and conceptual illustrations), students are able to take objects and processes they know from everyday life and apply them physiological concepts with which they are unfamiliar. This edition of A Visual Guide to Human Physiology (VAGP) has been digitized to enhance learning by adding interactive self-quizzes, 3D interactive images, videos, downloadable coloring pages, and assessments, as well as updates to colors and features in many original illustrations.

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Table of Contents for A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Physiology, 4th Edition
- Front Matter
- Chapter 1: Physiology Overview
- Chapter 2: Chemistry
- Chapter 3: Cells: Structure and Function
- Chapter 4: Nerve and Muscle Integration
- Chapter 5: Cardiovascular System
- Chapter 6: Respiratory System
- Chapter 7: Digestive System
- Chapter 8: Metabolic Physiology
- Chapter 9: Lymphatic System
- Chapter 10: Urinary System
- Chapter 11: Nervous System
- Chapter 12: Endocrine System
- Chapter 13: Reproductive Systems