Constructing Meanings 7th edition

Rachel Heydon, Marianne McTavish, Joyce Bainbridge

Constructing Meanings: Teaching the Language Arts K-8 is more than an update of previous editions. It reflects contemporary multilingual/multicultural Canadian classroom contexts and, very importantly, Canadians’ finally-awakened consciousness of the need to disrupt the devastating effects on Indigenous peoples of Canadian settler-colonial policies and practices. Digital literacies are treated as the commonplace practices they have become in today’s world. Websites and apps are recommended and analyzed alongside bilingual picture books and professional teaching resources. Using leading-edge contemporary research and seminal studies of previous decades, co-authors Rachel Heydon (Western University), Marianne McTavish (University of British Columbia), and Joyce Bainbridge (University of Alberta) reflect on their experiences as teachers/teacher-educators/researchers and include vignettes of practicing teachers in Canadian classrooms. Very importantly, the authors make explicit connections between the topics taken up in each chapter, clearly showing the interconnections between literacy dimensions and the need to recognize these connections in classroom teaching. Text-to-self questions stimulating thoughtful reflections on literacy teaching and learning are among the many features of Constructing Meanings that embody the spirit of readers and authors constructing meaning together. (Shelley Stagg Peterson, OISE)

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Table of Contents for Constructing Meanings 7th edition

  • Front Matter
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Language and Literacy Education
  • Chapter 2: Planning in Language and Literacy Education
  • Chapter 3: Language Learning and Oracy
  • Chapter 4: Early Literacies
  • Chapter 5: The Pleasures of Literacy
  • Chapter 6: The Nature and Assessment of Reading
  • Chapter 7: Reading Pedagogies: Major Elements
  • Chapter 8: Pedagogies to Foster Strategic Reading
  • Chapter 9: The Process of Writing
  • Chapter 10: Assessment and Conventions of Writing
  • Chapter 11: Responding to Efferent Texts
  • Chapter 12: Responding to Aesthetic Texts
  • Instructor Resources