What is
Postsecondary Education
Postsecondary education, also known as tertiary education, is the education level that follows the successful completion of secondary education, often referred to as high school. Postsecondary education includes universities and colleges, as well as trade and vocational schools. Postsecondary education encompasses both undergraduate and postgraduate students and usually culminates with a diploma, certification or academic degree. According to the Education Data Initiative, more than 20 million high school students in the United States pursue a postsecondary education every year given the economic security and job opportunities that come with an accreditation.
Postsecondary education encompasses several types of institutions that offer various degrees and diplomas. Vocational schools, otherwise known as trade schools, have gained popularity for the emphasis placed on honing technical, hands-on skills. Students who complete a vocational degree gain job-specific training that prepares them for their future careers. Vocational education courses may include carpentry, plumbing, massage therapy and paralegal studies, among other areas. Community colleges are another popular type of postsecondary education. Students earn an Associate Degree after two years of study, focusing on general education requirements. Many students who complete their postsecondary education at a community college eventually enroll in a degree program offered at a four-year college or university. These four-year institutions remain the most sought-after choice for postsecondary education. Students enrolled in a college or university program may pursue a career in teaching, law, psychiatry and dentistry, among other fields. Depending on the area of study, students may be required to complete further studies—such as law school or medical school—before landing their desired career.
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