What is
Virtual classroom
A virtual classroom is a digital learning environment that allows teachers and students to connect in online in real time. Virtual classrooms utilize video conferencing, online whiteboards and screen sharing to allow educators to hold live lectures, virtual office hours, and discussions with students in an interactive setting. Virtual classrooms are meant to replicate the experience of physical classrooms, with the added benefits of file sharing, instant feedback and interaction and are ideal in distance learning situations.
A virtual classroom refers to an online system that allows students and teachers to communicate and collaborate. Virtual classrooms are typically cloud-based learning solutions that are part of larger learning management systems (LMS). They are highly customizable and are accessible to users on a variety of devices, like smartphones, tablets and laptops.
The 2021 Online Teaching Toolkit
The teaching strategies, tools and activities to engage students in your online or blended course!

The 2021 Online Teaching Toolkit
The teaching strategies, tools and activities to engage students in your online or blended course!