What is

AI in Education

AI in education is the process of integrating and applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies within the classroom to enhance teaching and learning experiences. This multifaceted approach leverages AI algorithms and tools to analyze and interpret student data, personalize educational content, automate administrative tasks, and provide adaptive feedback. Using AI in education, similar to machine learning in education, allows instructors to identify struggling students and provide the tailored support required to minimize barriers to success.

AI in education refers to using technology to address cognitive, physical, academic, social and emotional factors that impact learning. Examples of AI in education for students include grammar checking software, text-to-speech platforms and flash card software. Examples of AI in education for professors include plagiarism detection software, lecture transcription platforms and automatic grading tools. Similar to machine learning in education, AI in education allows faculty to capture and analyze valuable data that can help inform future lessons and offer individual outreach to struggling students. Ace, Top Hat’s new AI-powered assistant, is another example of AI in education for both students and instructors. Using Ace, students will be able to access instant and personalized study support within their assignments. Educators can take advantage of AI-powered questions that allow for greater time-savings while retaining control over course material.