What is

Piaget Stages of Development

Piaget Stages of Development is a human intelligence framework proposed by Jean Piaget, a pioneering developmental psychologist. According to Piaget, every child goes through four sequential cognitive developmental stages. The sensorimotor stage takes place from birth to two years of age. Here, infants learn behavior patterns through imitation. Next is the preoperational stage from two to seven years of age. Here, children use symbols to derive meaning and carry out actions. Third is the concrete operational stage from seven to twelve years of age. Here, children hone their logistical and concrete-operational skills. Finally, the formal operational stage takes place from twelve years onwards. Now, adolescents are able to digest abstract concepts and can problem solve with ease.

Piaget Stages of Development refers to a psychological framework that outlines how children build intelligence and hone their cognitive and social abilities over time. Educators must understand the Piaget Stages of Development as this theory can help inform age-appropriate curriculum development. It may also guide instructors in designing developmentally appropriate formative assessments. Critics of Piaget’s Stages of Development state that cognitive development is an ongoing process and doesn’t occur in stages. Behavioral theorists also argue that development is an internal experience which cannot be seen nor observed.