What is

Pedagogical Knowledge

Pedagogical knowledge is the understanding of teaching practices and classroom management that educators bring to their job. Lee Shulman, American educational psychologist, was an early proponent of the study of teacher knowledge, whereby pedagogical knowledge was seen as one of many educational categories. Many theorists now believe that pedagogical knowledge is at the intersection of pedagogy and psychology, accounting for the social environment of the classroom. This specific model of pedagogical knowledge encompasses: knowledge of a) classroom management, b) teaching methods, c) classroom assessment, d) learning process and e) individual student characteristics.

Pedagogical knowledge refers to knowledge of best practices in teaching and learning. Knowledge of classroom management involves delivering lessons at a pace that is conducive to learning. Knowledge of teaching methods involves understanding how and when to use each pedagogical method in lecture. Knowledge of classroom assessment involves equally distributing formative and summative assessments to gauge comprehension during the term. Knowledge of learning processes means educators recognize how to keep students motivated by offering praise and encouragement. Knowledge of individual student characteristics involve designing lessons around the cognitive and social-emotional preferences of students. Ultimately, pedagogical knowledge is the guiding compass which educators use to shape the classroom experience.