What is a

Learner-Centered Curriculum Design

Learner-centered curriculum design includes creating individual lessons around the needs of students. Learner-centered curriculum design is one of three curriculum development models. Educators who use the learner-centered curriculum design model survey their students to understand preexisting knowledge, preferred learning styles and their expectations for a given course. For example, a professor teaching using a learner-centered model may offer audio alternatives to long-form readings given preferences and/or accessibility needs. Students are also given tailored support to address learning challenges they may face.

Learner-centered curriculum design refers to gathering information on students’ career aspirations and interests and then creating appropriate lesson plans. Students are expected to play a more active role in their learning, where educators customize learning paths for individual students based on their needs. This approach uses qualitative data—as opposed to assumptions—to shape course goals. Learner-centered curriculum design is often compared to subject-centered and problem-centered curriculum design.