What is

Cognitive Development Theory

Cognitive Development Theory is a psychological framework that posits individuals actively construct their understanding of the world through interactions with their environment and social experiences. Cognitive Development Theory was proposed by theorists Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. This theory borrows heavily from evolutionary biology principles and explores how mental processes such as perception, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making evolve over time. Piaget identified four main stages of Cognitive Development: the Sensorimotor Stage, Preoperational Stage, Concrete Operational Stage, and Formal Operational Stage.

Cognitive Development Theory refers to a psychological theory that outlines how children build meaning through observation, interactions and lived experiences. Human intelligence is seen as  a fluid perception that changes as children grow into adults. Piaget proposed the following assumptions about the intelligence of children: a) children think differently and see the world differently than adults, b) children aren’t passive learners but rather actively build knowledge through experiences and c) the most effective way to understand children’s reasoning is to think from their point of view. Cognitive Development Theory is influential in educational psychology. Using this as a framework, educators can make more effective decisions about formative assessments, active learning and peer interaction. Cognitive Development Theory has also guided educators in tailoring instructional strategies to align with students’ cognitive abilities at different developmental stages.