Composing a College
Career: Setting the Table
for Student Success
Jeffrey Klausman
Composing a College Career: Setting the Table for Student Success
Jeffrey Klausman
Engagement is key to student success. Yet finding one’s place on campus and in college takes more than just knowing how to navigate resources and manage classes. Students must find a sense of belonging and purpose, though they often bring with them stories of themselves as students inherited from family and culture that can undermine their success.
In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Jeffrey Klausman, educator and author of Composing a College Career, shares stories of student success and how those stories support a strengths-based approach to navigating the first-year experience—an experience that can shape a student’s entire educational journey.
Watch the Recording
Watch Now to Learn
- The power of story in overcoming ‘deficit thinking,’ imposter syndrome, and building confidence
- The three fundamentals to success: engagement, mentoring, and purpose
- How to support student agency in navigating the ‘hidden curriculum’ of higher education
- Helping students identify and personalize strategies to maximize their success in college

Composing a College Career
Through storytelling, interactive content, and activities, Jeffrey Klausman challenges students to explore what an ‘effective’ education will look like and determine what strategies to adopt to fuel their success.

About the Speaker
Jeffrey Klausman is Senior Professor of English and Writing Program Administrator at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, Washington, and the author of Composing a College Career, a first-year experience text, and Active Voices: The Language of College and Composition, an English composition text. His numerous articles and book chapters focus on social justice issues in writing program development, including equity, access, and the impact of labor inequities.