Inclusive Teaching:
Empowering All
Students to Thrive
Award-winning instructors Dr. Viji Sathy and Dr. Kelly Hogan address inequities in the college classroom and offer tips for helping all students feel included.
Inclusive Teaching: Empowering All Students to Thrive
Award-winning instructors Dr. Viji Sathy and Dr. Kelly Hogan address inequities in the college classroom and offer tips for helping all students feel included.
The most effective teachers do more than simply communicate facts and information. They create a sense of belonging for every student—and empower them to explore, make mistakes and thrive in their learning environment.
In this interactive presentation, authors and award-winning educators Professors Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy provide a framework for inclusive course design—one that can be readily implemented in any discipline or class size. You’ll also learn how structured active learning techniques foster equity and engagement.
Watch the Recording
Watch Now to Learn
- Why a lack of structure inhibits student learning and contributes to feelings of exclusion
- Guiding principles and course design principles that promote equity and engagement
- How transparency and expectation-setting reduce stress and ensure student success
- Actionable frameworks to make your courses more inclusive, no matter how big your class

Inclusive Teaching
Viji Sathy and Kelly Hogan provide tips and advice for addressing inequities in the college classroom and for making all students feel welcome and included.

About the Speakers
Dr. Viji Sathy and Dr. Kelly Hogan are award-winning instructors with a combined 25+ years in the classroom at the University of North Carolina. They are passionate about student success, equity, and inclusion and are active in the scholarship of teaching and learning. They’ve hosted hundreds of workshops and their work has received national attention, having been featured in The New York Times, The Atlantic and The Chronicle of Higher Education. Their book Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom was released in August 2022.