Teaching Distracted
Minds: Old Challenges,
New Contexts
Celebrated author and lecturer James Lang highlights activities to help you capture and sustain student attention in any classroom.
Teaching Distracted Minds: Old Challenges, New Contexts
Celebrated author and lecturer James Lang highlights activities to help you capture and sustain student attention in any classroom.
Why aren’t students paying attention like they used to? Whether we blame it on the pandemic or the human condition, one thing is for certain: we need a renewed focus on cultivating and sustaining student attention.
In this special presentation, celebrated author and educator James Lang highlights best practices for reawakening students to the wonders of your course content.From the use of online and physical spaces to thinking in ‘acts’ and using signature activities, you’ll learn how to keep students engaged during class and throughout the semester.
Watch the Recording
Watch Now to Learn
- Why reciprocity and empathy are the foundations for earning attention
- Practical ideas to sustain attention during class time, whether teaching online or in person
- Signature activities you can use to re-energize students and avoid the mid-semester slump
- Why ‘familiarity’ dulls attention and how the power of variety can keep things fresh

Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It
From recommendations about the use of physical and virtual spaces to course design and activities, James Lang offers strategies for awakening student attention and a love of learning.

About the Speaker
James M. Lang, PhD, is the author of six books, including Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It and Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning. He also writes a monthly column on teaching and learning for The Chronicle of Higher Education. A dynamic and highly sought-after public speaker, Lang has delivered conference keynotes and workshops on teaching at more than a hundred colleges, universities, and high schools in the United States and abroad.