Get the insights and inspiration to make your next term the best one yet.
Hear how fellow educators are using evidence-based teaching practices and data-driven insights to drive student engagement and success. See how Top Hat is integrating AI to create personalized learning experiences and streamline your course design. It’s all part of equipping you with the strategies and innovation to elevate the classroom experience.

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Agenda Overview
Get a first-hand look at Top Hat's product innovations, as well as best practice teaching tips from your peers.
Acing Your Next Course: What’s New with Top Hat
Clare Castro, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Top Hat
Since its launch, 40,000 educators and students have embraced Ace, our AI-powered teaching and learning assistant. Watch this session to learn about Ace’s expanded capabilities, including AI-powered on-demand practice sessions for students and discussion prompts you can create instantly based on your lecture content. We also cover new features designed to make course management easier than ever.
Faculty Show & Tell: Top Hat in Practice
Dr. Michelle Cadieux, McMaster University
Amber Baughman, Iowa State University
Dr. Thomas A. Fleming, University of Arizona
Every course is different, and so are the educators who use Top Hat. In this rapid-fire ‘show-and-tell’ panel, you’ll hear from fellow instructors on how they’re addressing engagement in large enrollment courses, bringing play and interactivity to the classroom, and improving student outcomes. Learn how they got started with Top Hat, the lessons learned, and the go-to features they use to make learning more effective.
Top Hat in Action: Building a Dynamic Lecture
Michael DiGregorio, PhD, Director of Client Education, Top Hat
Watch as we combine evidence-based teaching practices and Top Hat to build a dynamic lecture experience—in real time. Learn proven tactics for engaging students early, and striking the right balance between sharing new information with time for intentional practice. We also demonstrate how to use our most popular interactive polling questions and metacognition prompts to help you deepen student learning and make class time more engaging.
Affordable, Engaging, Effective: Crafting Your Own Course Content
Dr. Michael Christiansen, Utah State University
Interactive digital content makes it easy to create dynamic, engaging learning materials that boost academic performance and are more affordable to students. But how do you do it? In this special presentation, one professor shares their journey crafting a custom text, its impact on exam performance, and why their students will never have to buy a second edition.
AI For Learning: Guiding Ethical & Responsible Use
Dr. Abram Anders, Iowa State University
What constitutes ethical AI usage? How can we work with AI in a way that nurtures critical and original thinking? What are the risks of overdependence? When it comes to navigating AI, one of the most important things we can do is to talk with students. In this special presentation, we share Using AI for Learning, a free resource purpose-built to help you and your students explore the functional, critical, and ethical considerations of AI.