An Introduction to Government and Politics: A Conceptual Approach, 9th Edition

Mark O. Dickerson, Thomas Flanagan, Brenda O'Neill

An Introduction to Government and Politics continues with its traditional and trusted framework to equip readers with a comprehensive and logically consistent vocabulary for the study of politics, helping them to better see the relevance of government in their lives. This ninth edition has been streamlined, replacing dated material with current political realities, news events, and approaches in order to better situate the student for discussion about larger political issues. It retains its prominence as an authoritative and accessible text with a historical and “Canadianist”-based approach that appeals to the traditional Introduction to Political Science course.

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Table of Contents for An Introduction to Government and Politics: A Conceptual Approach, 9th Edition

  • Front Matter
  • PART 1: Basic Concepts
  • PART 2: Ideology
  • PART 3: Forms of Government
  • PART 4: The Political Process
  • Back Matter
  • Instructor Resources