Cell and Molecular Biology

Estelle Chamoux

This textbook is suitable for intermediate level cell biology courses for BSc. students. It can also be used in first year cell biology for students who want to dive a bit deeper in cell and molecular biology. Estelle Chamoux, the author of this book, taught Cell Biology to more than fifteen cohorts of undergraduate students at Bishop's University. Her research background, combined with a passion for teaching, led her to develop several teaching strategies to increase the deep understanding of biological mechanisms. Her teaching philosophy includes a great deal of active learning, and this book is meant to support active learning by providing a basis for simulations, in-class activities and online group works. The textbook includes worksheets, which instructors can use to reinforce concepts and to develop analytic skills and critical thinking. Instructors can feel free to use or not use them.

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Table of Contents for Cell and Molecular Biology

  • Textbook Cell & Molecular Biology - Edited - New