Social Problems and Silver Linings

Naomi Latini Wolfe

Social Problems and Silver Linings is designed to help students develop a sense of agency in resolving inherently complex social issues through self-reflection, participation, and discussion. With an ethnographic approach based on living theory, social problems will become more relevant to students and guide them towards using social theory in their own lives. The rich interactive materials in this book focus on social problems and how individuals can work to improve them. Social Problems and Silver Linings will empower students through active participation, problem-based learning and an inviting approach to social theory while incorporating mindfulness strategies to enhance their awareness of themselves and others.

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Table of Contents for Social Problems and Silver Linings

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Acknowledging Social Problems
  • Chapter 2: The Spectrum of Wealth
  • Chapter 3: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
  • Chapter 4: Race and Ethnicity
  • Chapter 5: Freedom, Laws, and Justice
  • Chapter 6: A Sociological Analysis of Alcohol, Addiction, and Cannabis
  • Chapter 7: Health, Health Care, and Big Pharma
  • Chapter 8: The Sociology of Disabilities
  • Chapter 9: Reproduction and Families
  • Chapter 10: Sociological Perspectives on Aging and the Life Course
  • Chapter 11: The World's Population
  • Chapter 12: Environment and Climate Change
  • Chapter 13: Sociology of Peace, War, and Civil Society

Key features

  • An inclusive and problem-based approach to the material demonstrates the reach of social problems without "othering" those impacted, and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate reflection, understanding, and critical thinking
  • Structured theory sections, including connections to real issues, address student apprehension with social theory and connect them to chapter content with interactive data and activities
  • Robust Instructor Resources provide additional ideas for activities, in-class discussions, and instructor support for managing difficult conversations in the classroom