Manual for Head and Neck Anatomy

Theresa L Jenkins

This is a manual on the topic of head and neck anatomy. The manual is ideal for pre-professional students who are planning on moving into careers in nursing, medicine, or dentistry. The manual covers basic anatomic terms and launches into the bones of the cranium, muscles of the head and neck, and coverage of the brain and cranial nerves. The manual covers the action of muscles, innervation, and blood supply of muscles. Structures and organs in the head and neck are covered in the manual.

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Table of Contents for Manual for Head and Neck Anatomy

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Head and Neck Anatomy
  • Unit 2: Bones
  • Unit 3: The Brain, Cranial Nerves, and Special Senses
  • Unit 4: Muscles of Facial Expression and Muscles of the Neck
  • Unit 5: The Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands, Teeth, and Muscles of Mastication