Recruitment and Selection in Canada, 7th edition

Victor M. Catano, Willi H. Wiesner, Rick D. Hackett, and Monica Belcourt

Nelson - Recruitment and Selection in Canada, Seventh Edition, is designed to meet the needs of both students and practitioners working in human resources or personnel psychology. It provides an up-to-date review of the current issues and methodologies that are used in recruiting and selecting employees to staff Canadian organizations. Over the years, the field of personnel selection and staffing has become more quantitative and subject to both federal and provincial human rights legislation. This book provides an introduction to these more technical areas in an easy-to-read style. Every chapter includes examples, discussion questions, cases, and other materials that illustrate how the practices discussed in the text are carried out in both private- and public-sector organizations in Canada. Many of these illustrations are drawn from current events reported in the media and are presented in Recruitment and Selection Today feature boxes.

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